After we got wind of the plan to evict Villa Vegan on Tuesday, October 30th, we started to organise the resistance with who brought solidarity during the last few days and we are determined to continue!
We reiterate the call to all the supportive people to join us in order to continue developing the resistance and mobilisation against the eviction. Anyone who wants to support the place is welcome, who passed through it, who carried on struggles which found complicity in here, all the activists who think that if they want to evict an anarchist place which has squatted for 20 years, they have to pay dearly for it.
During all these years, Villa Vegan hosted activists from all over the World, it provided logistic support to several independent, self-managed/diy projects, especially from the punk hardcore scene and to plenty of fights; including the struggle against the prison system and solidarity with prisoners, ecologist fights, animal liberation, against racism and CIE(1) (now called CPR), transfeminist queer and against gender-based violence, antifascist initiatives; struggles refusing to relate with institutions and always opposed to the Capitalistic System and the State.
With the eviction of occupied places, the endless concreting, the raids against migrant, illegal and unwanted people of any kind, the urban “regeneration”, the growing militarisation and street surveillance, they want to turn the place where we live into “showcase-cities” – functional just to keep the economy going – and into “dormitories” for who is in the production-consumption rhythm, shutting down every possible resisting place.
Thus, every eviction doesn’t deal just with the specific attacked place, but with the general level of social control from the political and economical power, and it must be countered.
Villa Vegan è una casa occupata anarchica nella zona nord di Milano.
Da anni organizziamo iniziative, concerti e attività riguardo la liberazione animale, umana e della terra, femminismo queer, solidarietà ai/alle prigionierx, anarchismo.
La Villa Vegan est une villa anarchiste squattée au nord de Milan.
Depuis des années on organise des concerts et activitées sur la libération animale, humaine et de la terre, sur le féminisme queer, la solidarité aux prisonniers/ères, l’anarchisme.
La Villa Vegan es una casa okupada anarquista en la zona norte de Milán.
Desde hace años organizamos iniciativas, conciertos y actividades sobre la liberación animal, humana y de la tierra, transfeminismo queer, solidariedad a lxs presxs, anarquismo.
Villa Vegan is an anarchist squat in the north of Milan.
From a lot of years we organize events, concerts and activities about animal, humyn and earth liberation, queer feminism, prisoners solidarity, anarchism.
Villa Vegan Occupata – via Litta Modignani, 66 – 20161 Milano
Metro 3, fermata “Affori FN”
(1) CIE = Centro di Identificazione ed Espulsione, i.e Identification and Expulsion Centre for migrants, denominated then “CPR” = Centro di Permanenza per i Rimpatri, i.e. Permanence and Repatriation Centre. Basically proper lager for migrants deportation.